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KLU Vijayawada Engineering Entrance Exam KLUEEE 2015

K L University

Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation
Admin Office, 29-36-38, Museum Road, Governorpet, Vijayawada
Andhra Pradesh-520002, Tel 0866-2577715

The Koneru Lakshmaiah Charities was established as a trust in the year 1980 with its official address at Museum road, Governorpet, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh – 520 002 and started KL College of Engineering in the Academic year 1980-81. The trust was converted into a Society   by the name Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation in the year 1996. The KL College of Engineering has attained autonomous status in the year 2006 and in February 2009, the Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation Society was recognized as Deemed to be University. In short Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation is named as K L University.


Vijayawada is located on the banks of river Krishna in the state of Andhra Pradesh and has been historically a cultural, political and educational center. The city is well connected by National Highway and Rail with Chennai (440 km), Hyderabad (275 km), Vizag (385 km) and is a central junction for trains running from North to South India. Daily flights operate from Hyderabad and Bangalore.

K L University is situated in a spacious 50-acre campus on the banks of Buckingham Canal of river Krishna, eight kilometers from Vijayawada city. Built within a rural setting of lush green fields, the institute is a virtual paradise of pristine nature and idyllic beauty. The campus has been aptly named "Green Fields" and the splendid avenue of trees and gardens bear testimony to the importance of ecology and environment. The campus ambience is most befitting for scholastic pursuits. The University has been situated on a built up area of around 15, 00, 000 S. Ft.

Under Graduate Programs:

B.Tech Program Duration: 4 Years with the following specializations 

1.     Aerospace Engineering (AE)

2.     Bio-Technology (BT)

3.     Civil Engineering (CE)

4.     Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

5.     Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE)

6.     Electronics & Computer Engineering (EC)

7.     Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE)

8.     Mechanical Engineering (ME)

9.     B.Com. (Hons.) in Accounting and Finance Duration : 4 Years 

10.Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication (BJMC): 3 Years 

11.Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (BHMCT) Duration : 4 Years 

12.B.Sc - Visual Communication (B.Sc - VC) Duration: 3 Years 

13.Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with MBA Duration : 5 Years 

Integrated Dual Degree Programmes Duration: 5 Years

1.     B.Tech in BT with M.Tech in Bio-Technology

2.     B.Tech in CE with M.Tech in Structural Engineering

3.     B.Tech in EEE with M.Tech in Power Systems

4.     B.Tech in EEE with M.Tech in Power Electronics &

5.     B.Tech in ME with M.Tech in CAD - CAM

6.     B.Tech In ME with M.Tech in Thermal Engineering

7.     B.Tech in CSE/EC with M.Tech in Computer Networks & Security

8.     B.Tech in ECE/EC/EEE with M.Tech in VLSI

9.     B.Tech in CSE/ECE/EC/EEE with M.Tech in Embedded Systems

10.B.Tech in CE/CSE/ECE/EC/EEE/ME with M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering

11.B.Tech in BT/CE/CSE/ECE/EC/EEE/ME with M.B.A

Degree with Specialization



Name of the Specialization


Bio Technology

Bio fuels & Bio energy


Food Processing Technology

Genetic Engineering


Civil Engineering

Environmental & Water Resource

Geotechnical Engineering

Structural Engineering

Transportation Engineering


Computer Science& Engineering

Cloud Computing

Computers Networks & Security

Data Engineering

Embedded Systems

Software Engineering


Electronics and Communication Engineering

Communication Engineering

Communication Systems

Computer Networks & Security

Control Systems

Embedded Systems

RF & Microwave Engineering

Signal Processing



Electronics and Computer Engineering

Communication Systems

Computer Networks & Security

Cloud Computing

Data Engineering

Digital Signal Processing

Embedded Systems

Software Engineering



Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Control System

Energy Systems

Power Electronics

Power System


Mechanical Engineering

Aerospace Engineering

Automobile Engineering

Flexible Manufacturing Systems



Eligibility Criteria for B.Tech Admission

Admissions will be made for B.Tech Programme by the following criteria.

Candidates have to be successful in KLUEEE (KL University Engineering Entrance Examination), JEE-Main, JEE-Advanced and State Level Engineering Entrance Exams across India including EAMCET and Merit in Sports.

The syllabus and model of KLUEEE examination can be downloaded from our website.


·         A Pass in 10+2 or equivalent examination with 60% and above in Group subjects.

·         Students with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) are eligible for all B.Tech programmes including Bio-Technology.

·         Students with Physics, Chemistry and Biology (PCB) are eligible for B.Tech (Bio Technology) Course only.

* Education loan facility is available for tuition fee from nationalized banks subject to bank norms.

* KL University reserves the right to alter any of the above norms.

Eligibility Criteria for B.Com (Hons.)/BBA

KL University provides admission through a written test and an interview.

·         A Pass in 10+2 or equivalent examination with 50% and above.

·         And must qualify in a written test and an interview conducted by the university.

Eligibility Criteria for B.Sc-VC/BHMCT/BJMC

KL University provides admission through a written test and an interview.

·         A Pass in 10+2 or equivalent examination with 45% and above.

·         And must qualify in a written test and an interview conducted by the university.

How to Apply:

Apply Online

You may fill and submit the application form online and pay the application fee of Rs. 900/- online through Credit/Debit Card or Net banking.

Obtain in Person

Application form can also be obtained and submitted in person or through post along with a self addressed envelope cover by remitting Rs. 900/- by Cash or DD at the below address: DD should be drawn for Rs. 900/- in favor of KL University payable at Vijayawada on any scheduled bank and sent to

The Director, Admissions
KL University, 29-36-38
Museum Road, Governorpet,
VIJAYAWADA - 520 002.

Application forms can also be obtained from our Offices outside Vijayawada at the following locations:


Address/Phone No

KLU Campus

Greenfields, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District. Ph:08645-246948, 9666637612.


Vijayawada Region

9441520519, 9866034520, 9441364365, 9246611779,


Guntur Region

9502085459, 8885757787, 9290429635,


Rayalaseema Region

9848762093, 9963636136, 9949366189, 9703299844,


Visakhapatnam Region

9666637614, 0891-6588087, 9985657365, 7799655575,


Telangana Region

9666637612, 9966695455, 8520036767, 9885808786, 9912342245, 8790974399, 9494576452, 9391433844,


List of Admission Offices out Side AP




Name of Manager With Phone Numbers



C-29, Ground Floor, Indra Vihar, Shiv Jyothi School Main Rd, Opp. VKR Tutions, Kota, Rajasthan - 324005

Mr. Vijay Raj : 08764260006
Mr. Ravi Arora: 09261010108
Mr. Sameer : 09352764355

Bihar & Chhattisgarh


103, Sachi Palace, Sahdeo Mahto Marg, Boring Road, Patna - 800001

Mr. Alok Kumar Singh : 08873036616
Mr. Kareem : 09296905149
Mr. Rohit Srivastav : 09931201222



L I G, 239, housing Colony, Dhanbad, Jharkhand - 826001

Mr. J. Siddharth : 09386930243



H.No- H.I.G-13/1,OSHB Coloney, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751016


Assam & North East


H No. 10,Nayan Moni Path, Janakpur, Jatia Kahilipari,Guwahati -781019



Last date for sale of applications: 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Last date for receipt of filled in applications: 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Issue of admit cards: 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Date of KLUEEE written test: 

Saturday, May 02, 2015

Date of KLUEEE-online test: 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Announcement of KLUEEE Results: 

Monday, May 25, 2015



To know more Information about KLUEEE 2015 pleaseclick here

Xavier Institute of Social Service Ranchi PGDM Admission 2015

Xavier Institute of Social Service (XISS) Ranchi

Dr Camil Bulcke Path (Purulia Road)

Ranchi-834001, Jharkhand, Tel 0651-2200873

XISS attracts the best talent from all disciplines and backgrounds. What characterizes all of them are their outstanding intelligence and remarkable personality
XISS offers - Two years Full-time Post Graduate Diploma in Management approved by AICTE, New Delhi with specialization in:

i.        Human Resource Management

ii.      Rural Management

iii.    Information Technology

iv.   Finance

v.     Marketing

Seats Available: Total number of seats available in Two Years Full-time Post Graduate Diploma Programmes in Management (PGDM) is seventy five (75) each in Human Resource Management and Rural Management and sixty (60) each in Information Technology, Finance and Marketing specialization

Out of the above fifty percent (50%) seats are reserved for SC/ST and Christian candidates


Minimum qualification for admission to the PGDM program at the Institute is three/four years bachelor’s degree with minimum 60% marks in aggregate (50% for SC/ST) in any discipline recognized by Association of Indian Universities

However preference will be given to Engineering, Economics, Commerce, Management and Computer Science graduates and candidates with relevant work experience

Candidates appearing for final year or final semester of their graduate degree examination in academic year 2014-15 are also eligible to appear for the admission process; such candidates, if called for interview, should submit the copy of admit card or a letter from the principal of the college where they are studying to that effect

Such candidates if finally selected at XISS, Ranchi must clear their Graduation examination with 60% marks in aggregate (50% for SC/ST) by August 2015
Admission Procedure

Three stage admission process is followed by the Institute as per the guidelines of AICTE. These stages are:

1.     All India Management Admission Test

2.     Group Discussion

3.     Assessment of Writing Skills

4.     Personal Interview

Selection Procedure A candidate desirous of seeking admission in the Institute will have to appear in an all India level management admission test organized by XLRI Jamshedpur (XAT 2015 on 04th January 2015) or IIM Indore (CAT 2014, 16th - 22nd Nov 2014) or AICTE, Delhi (CMAT Sept 2014 )

For admission to batch 2015-17, scores of XAT 2015, CAT 2014 and AICTE-CMAT Sept 2014 only will be accepted

Aspiring candidates will have to apply online for appearing in one or more exams by visiting website

Based on above all India entrance test scores, candidates who have applied for admission to the institute will be shortlisted and will be called for Group Discussion and Personal Interview to be held at Bangalore, Guwahati, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi and Ranchi during 17th February - 09th March 2015 GD/PI Centers are subject to sufficient number of candidates at each location

Weightage for Admission

Entrance Test Score: 50%

Past Academic Record: 10%

Group Discussion: 15%

Personal Interview: 25%

Our Institute uses CAT Score for short-listing/selecting the candidates for our Post-graduate Programme(s) in Management. IIMs have no role either in the selection process or in the conduct of the programme

Application Process The candidates will have to apply separately at XISS, Ranchi

A candidate can apply for maximum any 02 (Two) specializations; the institute will accept only online registrations; the candidates will have to apply separately at XISS, Ranchi; the institute will accept only online registrations

The registrations will remain open from 22nd September 2014 to 01st February 2015 For online registrations, the Registration Fee can be paid through online transactions using Credit/Debit/ATM cards / Online Banking; the fee can also be paid by Bank Draft drawn in favour of ‘Xavier Institute of Social Service', payable at Ranchi Application fee is Rs. 1500 + Service Charges for One Specialization and Rs. 2000 + Services Charges for Two Specialization. Application fee can be paid online through net banking/debit card/credit card or any other online option Application fee can also be paid via bank draft, drawn in favour of "Xavier Institute of Social Service" payable at Ranchi

The bank draft for Rs. 1500 (for one specialization) or Rs. 2000 (for two specializations) can be drawn on any bank

The draft must be sent to the institute address given below within 15 days of application; the candidate must right his/her name and XAT/CAT/CMAT ID/Roll No. on the back of the bank draft

The registrations will remain open from 22nd September 2014 to 01st February 2015


To know more Information about XIXX please Click here

This one's down to me! Please accept my apologies for this - I'll see to it that the developer responsible for this happening is given 20 lashes (but only after he or she has fixed this problem).

I'll answer the mail as soon as I can.

Ooops! An unexpected error has occurred.This one's down to me! Please accept my apologies for this - I'll see to it that the developer responsible for this happening is given 20 lashes (but only after he or she has fixed this problem).tv izle