Institute of Nano Science and Technology, INST, Mohali (Punjab)
(An Autonomous Research Institute of Dept of Science and Technology, Govt. of India)
Habitat Centre, Phase- 10, Sector- 64
Phone-No: 91-172-22100755756
Fax: 91-172-2211074
About College:
Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST), Mohali (Punjab), an autonomous institution of Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, has been established under the umbrella of NANO MISSION, initiated by DST to boost research and development in the field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in India. INST started its activities on 3rd January 2013, the date on which its first Director was appointed. The institute is currently operating from its transit campus at Habitat Centre, Sector-64, Phase-X, Mohali, Punjab. The new campus of INST would be set up on 35 acers of land in the Knowledge City at Sector-81 (Mohali, Punjab), next to IISER Mohali campus, which is very near to new Chandigarh International Airport. INST, amongst other scientific institutions of Chandigarh and its nearby area is also part of Chandigarh Region Innovation and Knowledge Cluster (CRIKC), an initiative of Punjab Government to foster and sustain close academic alliances between institutions of higher education and research in the Chandigarh region.
INST brings together biologists, chemists, physicists, materials scientists and engineers having interest in nanoscience and technology. INST scientists, having strengths in basic science together with more application oriented mind from different backgrounds, work together by joining hands as a cohesive unit, under a congenial work environment, on a common platform apart from carrying out their individual research. The aim is to generate processes, technologies and devices directed towards national priorities especially in sectors like Agriculture, defence, healthcare, energy, environment and water. INST encourages outstanding research resulting in publications in the best internationally acclaimed journals , develop processes for strategic materials for indigenous production (import substitution), generate devices and advanced technology for defence and for commercialisation and also develop low-cost affordable devices especially in healthcare for the socially deprived section of our society.
INST is also promoting science and inculcating the practice to develop technology in India amongst the young generation of the nation through its Outreach program especially for rural, remote and under-served schools by delivering talks in order to scrape out the hidden gems which when polished may light up the natural and international scientific sky.
Through its various activity INST is committed to contribute significantly to the National Societal Programmes like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Swasth Bharat, Smart Cities, Smart Villages, supporting the Strategic Sector, Make in India and Clean & Renewable Energy through scientific means and by making use of technologies to address requirements of these program.
Course Name:
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
in Institute of Nano Science and Technology, INST, Mohali (Punjab)
Course Description:
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in areas related to nanoscience and technology like Devices, Material for energy applications (photocatalysts, electrocatalysts, supercapacitors, hydrogen generation & storage), Smart materials (organic/inorganic), Sensors, Therapeutics etc
Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Institute of Nano Science and Technology, INST, Mohali (Punjab)
Candidates must be M.Sc. in Chemistry/Physics/Material Sciences/Life Sciences /M.Pharm/ M.Tech in Basic, Applied Sciences or Engineering and related areas
Students registered with IISER Mohali for their BS-MS Programme can apply as per IISER Mohali’s norm
How To Apply:
Application Procedure for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Institute of Nano Science and Technology, INST, Mohali (Punjab)
Application Procedure
Prospective candidates should directly send their completed and signed APPLICATION FORM along with the SYNOPSIS, which can be downloaded from INST’s website (, by e-mail to
This will be treated as an advance copy of the application. However, hard copy of the application with requisite enclosures and a demand draft (see below) will have to be sent to INST. The envelope containing the application documents should be super-scribed as “Application for the Ph.D. Program” and sent to Institute of Nano-Science and Technology, Phase-10, Sector-64, Mohali, Punjab-160062
Short-listed candidates will be called for an interview at INST and will be paid II class railway/bus (non AC) fare by the shortest route from their place of residence
Application Fees
The aforesaid application documents should be accompanied by a demand draft (DD) of Rs.450/- for General/OBC or Rs.150/- for SC/ST/PH drawn in favor of Institute ofNano Science and Technology, Mohali (payable either at Mohali or at Chandigarh)
Please mention your name on the reverse of the DD
Closing Date:
Last date for Submission form: 28th October 2016
To know more Information about course please visit: