Portal for Indian Education and Admission Updates


Institute of Hotel Management, IHM, Aurangabad

Institute of Hotel Management, IHM, Aurangabad

Maulana Azad Educational Trust 
Dr. Rafiq Zakaria Marg, Rauza Bagh, Aurangabad - 431001, Maharashtra 

Phone-No: 0240 239 2813 651 1159 
Fax: 0240 238 1104 238 1112 

About College:

Institute of Hotel Management, Aurangabad, was born with the coming together of two great institutions: the internationally renowned scholar,  Dr. Rafiq Zakaria’s - Maulana Azad Educational Trust and Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces. Dr. Zakaria and the Taj were determined to create a world-class centre in hospitality education, with the technical assistance of India’s largest hotel chain, with over a century’s experience in hoteliering. In one and a half decades from its inception, IHM-A has retained its position of being the most sought after Institute of Hotel Management in Asia and has been nominated as one of the eight Leading Hotel Schools of the World.

Course Name:

BA Culinary Arts

in Institute of Hotel Management, IHM, Aurangabad

Course Description:

Bachelor of Arts (BA) (Hons in Culinary Arts)


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for BA Culinary Arts in Institute of Hotel Management, IHM, Aurangabad

Successful completion of Std XII (10+2) or equivalent examination in any stream with English as medium of instruction. Students appearing for their board exams in the current year are also eligible, subject to successfully qualifying the examination. In addition students of IHM-A can avail of the facility to take the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Simultaneously.

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for BA Culinary Arts in Institute of Hotel Management, IHM, Aurangabad

Admission will be granted through an entrance test conducted by the Institute of Hotel Management, Aurangabad on an all India basis. Eligible candidates are required to register themselves for the written examination. Upon receipt of the completed application form, IHM-A will inform the applicant of the selection test center closest to you. The application form can be downloaded from our

A crossed Demand Draft of Rs. 1,000/- (One Thousand Only) in favour of” Institute of Hotel Management”, payable at Aurangabad- Maharashtra should be sent along with the filled in application form.

Rules for Admission   

Application forms for admission should be submitted to the address given below:

Admissions Office

Institute of Hotel Management

   Dr. Rafiq Zakaria Campus

                       Rauza Bagh, Aurangabad-431001.

                Admissions: Direct Tel (0240) 2392813, 6511159

           Coordinator Admission: +919225305517 (0900-2000 hrs)

                         Fax: (0240) 2381104, 2381112.

Closing Date:

Last date for Submission form: 30th May, 2017


To know more Information about course please visit:

SVKM's Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, NMIMS, Mumbai

SVKM's Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, NMIMS, Mumbai

Deemed University 
VL, Mehta Road, Vile Parle, 

Phone-No: 91-22-2613 4577 2614 3177 
Fax: 91-22-2611 4512 
About College:

In order to meet the growing demand for management education the Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal with the help of a donation from Narsee Monjee Educational Trust established a recognized Management institute of the Mumbai University in 1981.

Since then NMIMS has grown into a flourishing University offering courses / programs across various disciplines such as Management Technology Science Pharmacy  Architecture Commerce and Economics. Today the University has over 5000 students and more than 430 faculty members. The faculty at the University represent an eclectic mix of Industry and Academic experience; national and international experiences.

SVKM’s NMIMS Deemed to be University (as per UGC Norms), one of the premier Universities of Higher Studies in India, has completed 33 years of its existence in the year 2017-18. NMIMS established in the year 1981 as Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, began its journey by offering a masters degree program in management studies, a course of the University of Mumbai with an intake of only 40 students and 4 full time faculty.

Course Name:

Bachelor of Technology BTech Master of Business Administration MBA Dual Degree

in SVKM's Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, NMIMS, Mumbai

Course Description:

Bachelor of Technology (BTech) + Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Dual Degree)


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Bachelor of Technology BTech Master of Business Administration MBA Dual Degree in SVKM's Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, NMIMS, Mumbai

The candidate must have passed 10 + 2 or equivalent exam with science or science vocational and obtained minimum 50% marks in PCM. Those awaiting their 10+2 exam result this year may also apply.

Note: Candidates who have passed the 10+2 exam by doing a part-time course or through distance learning/correspondence/externally/open school are not eligible to apply for the courses.

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Bachelor of Technology BTech Master of Business Administration MBA Dual Degree in SVKM's Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, NMIMS, Mumbai


Ø Candidates need to pay application fee of Rs. 2000/- for normal registration for either MBA Full Time - Mumbai Campus or PGDM - Bengaluru /PGDBM – Hyderabad and Rs. 2400/- for both MBA Full Time - Mumbai Campus and PGDM – Bengaluru/PGDBM - Hyderabad.

Ø Candidates need to pay application fee of Rs.2550/- for late registration for either MBA Full Time Mumbai Campus or PGDM - Bengaluru / PGDBM –Hyderabad and Rs. 3000/- for both MBA Full Time - Mumbai Campus and PGDM - Bengaluru / PGDBM - Hyderabad.

Ø Candidates can pay the application fees by Online Payment through Credit Card or Cash at HDFC Bank or Demand Draft drawn in favor of SVKM'S NMIMS payable at Mumbai.



Chandigarh, Delhi, Jaipur, Lucknow


Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Nagpur


Bengaluru, Chennai, Cochin, Hyderabad


Bhillai, Bhopal, Indore


Bhubaneswar, Guwahati Kolkata, Patna

Course Name:

Bachelor of Technology BTech

in SVKM's Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, NMIMS, Mumbai

Course Description:

BTech Information Technology (Mumbai 60 seats), Computer Engineering (Mumbai 120 seats, Shirpur 60 seats), Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (Mumbai 60 seats, Shirpur 60 seats), Mechanical Engineering (Mumbai 60 seats, Shirpur 60 seats), Civil Engineering (Mumbai 60 seats, Shirpur 60 seats), Mechtronics (Mumbai 60 seats, Shirpur 60 seats), Textile (Shirpur 60 seats) Admission 2017


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Bachelor of Technology BTech in SVKM's Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, NMIMS, Mumbai

Candidate must have passed 10+2 or equivalent exam including international IB Diploma (IB certificate awarded is not eligible) with English as compulsory subject and with science or science vocational
Minimum 50% marks in PCM for Mumbai campus & 45% marks in PCM for Shirpur campus

Those awaiting their 10+2 exam result this year may also apply

Candidates who have passed the 10+2 exam by doing a part-time course or through distance learning/correspondence/externally/open school are not eligible to apply for the courses

Candidates should present single marksheet

Candidate passed with compartment is not eligible

IB and Cambridge Candidate: Candidates called for admission counseling on the basis of NMAT (UG) merit list and who do not have final marksheet will be given provisional admission

Fees will be accepted from such candidate but their admission will be confirmed on submission of final marksheet if found eligible before the commencement of the program

Those candidates who have passed, or, are appearing for 10+2 examination from a Board/University where Grade Point Average is given, such candidates must produce in writing from the Board/University concerned about the equivalent percentage for the GPA obtained

Candidate above 25 years of age are restricted to apply for undergraduate programs

Online Test: All eligible candidates who are registered successfully will be called for the online test

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Bachelor of Technology BTech in SVKM's Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, NMIMS, Mumbai


Ø Candidates need to pay application fee of Rs. 2000/- for normal registration for either MBA Full Time - Mumbai Campus or PGDM - Bengaluru /PGDBM – Hyderabad and Rs. 2400/- for both MBA Full Time - Mumbai Campus and PGDM – Bengaluru/PGDBM - Hyderabad.

Ø Candidates need to pay application fee of Rs.2550/- for late registration for either MBA Full Time Mumbai Campus or PGDM - Bengaluru / PGDBM –Hyderabad and Rs. 3000/- for both MBA Full Time - Mumbai Campus and PGDM - Bengaluru / PGDBM - Hyderabad.

Ø Candidates can pay the application fees by Online Payment through Credit Card or Cash at HDFC Bank or Demand Draft drawn in favor of SVKM'S NMIMS payable at Mumbai.



Chandigarh, Delhi, Jaipur, Lucknow


Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Nagpur


Bengaluru, Chennai, Cochin, Hyderabad


Bhillai, Bhopal, Indore


Bhubaneswar, Guwahati Kolkata, Patna

Closing Date:

Entrance Test NPAT: 13-14 May, 2017

Last date for Submission form: 30th April 2017



To know more Information about course please visit:

SVUCET 2017, Sri Venkateswara University, SVU, Tirupati

Sri Venkateswara University

Address: Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh 517502

Founded: 1954

Phone: 2289545/2289-414


Sri Venkateswara University (SVU), Tirupati has announced the exam dates for Sri Venkateswara University Common Entrance Test (SVUCET 2017), which will be conducted in May 2017. The SVUCET will be held from Wednesday, May 10, 2017 to Tuesday, May 16, 2017.

SVUCET is conducted for taking admission to Master of Commerce (M.Com), Master of Arts (M.A), Master of Education (M.Ed), Master of Library & Information Science (M.LISc.), Master of Science (M.Sc), Master of Social Work (MSW) and Master of Technology (M.Tech) in Space Technology offered in various disciplines in the campus and affiliated colleges of Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati for the academic year 2017.

Eligibility Criteria for SVUCET 2017:

For M.Tech in Space Technology Program: Candidates should have M.Sc/M.Sc (Tech) in Physics/ Applied Physics/ Space Physics/ Electronics /Meteorology and Oceanography Engineering Physics or B.E/ B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering/ Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Computer Science Engineering.

For M.Ed Program: Candidates should have B.Ed program.

For M.Com Programs: Candidates should have B.Com General/Computer Applications or BBM/ B.A with Accounting as a one of the subjects.

How to Apply:

Application Procedure for SVUCET 2017:

Candidates are encouraged to apply online.

The candidate can apply more than one test in single registration. Such candidates have to pay the applicable fee depend upon the tests selected.

The payment of registration and processing fee Rs.300/- (SC/ST/PH) and fee Rs. 400/- (OC/BC/Others) should be made either by SBI generated challan or by online payment gateway (like credit/ debit card/ Net banking).

Paper Pattern for SVUCET 2017:

The entrance test will be of 90 minutes duration and the question paper consists of 100 multiple choice type questions.

Important Dates:

Last date of submission of online application form: Thursday, April 13, 2017.

Last date for submission of printout of online application: Monday, April 24, 2017.

Downloading of hall tickets: Sunday, April 30, 2017.

Date for SVUCET: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 to Tuesday, May 16, 2017.



To know more Information about entrance please visit:

Symbiosis School of Economics, SSE, Pune

Symbiosis School of Economics, SSE, Pune

4th Floor, Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences Building, Senapati Bapat Road, 

Phone-No: 020-25655023 Ext. 249 25655362 Ext. 249 
Fax: 020- 25678680 

About College:

SSE is a bright, young, vigorous and growing institution, with a demonstrable record of success. This very niche institute seeks to develop intellectual discipline, critical and analytical assessment, which will result in rational thinking, along with an understanding of the need for constrained optimization, and a strong urge to strive towards achieving equilibrium. We at SSE, achieve these goals in an educational environment committed to excellence and academic freedom.

Higher education is critical to successful economic development and quality of life. SSE offers graduate and postgraduate programs in Economics within which students develop the intellectual and professional competencies for successful life and work leadership. Certificate courses in emerging areas are also offered to add to the learning and employability quotient of our students. For those who are inspired by the spirit of research- SSE offers an integrated M.Sc-PhD programme.

The course content, both at the BSc and MSc program is rigorous and the approach is deive and investigative; it will connect the students with every aspect of economic life - right from the grass root level of economics to the micro, macro and global environment. It will churn out a class of students who will be capable of including innovations and pragmatism into problem solving in these very spheres. The study of Economics will also assist and guide the scholars to understand and resolve the several conflicting macroeconomic goals. Another important feature about SSE is that Economics is regarded and taught as a part of liberal education, providing a pertinent background for several professions. Thus with its interdisciplinary flavour, the program prepares students for  a career with corporate, banks,  financial institutions, media & communication, government, research and academia. The environment here is disciplined and demanding, at the same time giving plenty of scope for creativity, originality and student initiatives.

It is a journey of academic pursuits, which will be ever evolving including different perspectives from varied stakeholders, making our courses increasingly relevant and meaningful.

Course Name:

MSc in Economics

in Symbiosis School of Economics, SSE, Pune

Course Description:

MSc in Economics


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for MSc in Economics in Symbiosis School of Economics, SSE, Pune

Any graduate with exposure to Economics/ Mathematics/ Statistics/ Physics/ Engineering from any statutory university with a minimum of 50% marks (45% for SC/ST categories) is eligible

Students appearing for final year examinations can apply but their admission will be subject to obtaining a minimum of 50% marks (45% for SC/ST categories) at qualifying examination

Reservation of seats: The following will be reservation rules that shall be followed while admitting Indian Students

SC-15%, ST-7.5%, Differently abled 03%, Kashmiri migrants 02 over and above programme intake

Intake Procedure: Students will be selected on the basis of academic merit, Personal Interaction (PI) and Writing Ability Test (WAT)

Sanctioned Intake: 40 students

Policy of admission against vacant seats under reserved category: In case some seats remain vacant due to the non availability of suitable candidates in the category of reservations then the information about the vacant seats will be reported to Symbiosis International University

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for MSc in Economics in Symbiosis School of Economics, SSE, Pune

Application Procedure for SIU SET 2017:

·  Candidates can apply online

·  Candidates need to pay a non-refundable fee of Rs. 1500/- towards the test fee and for prospectus of undergraduate programs of  UniversitySymbiosis International.

·  Candidates have 4 choices for payment as follows:

Cash: This ‘Payment Advice’ form is in three parts. Pay Rs. 1500/- in cash at Axis bank or Indian bank branches in the city. Refer to the list of branches on the website. The bank will return two parts of the ‘payment advice’ form to you.

Demand Draft: Get a crossed demand draft for Rs. 1500/- from any nationalized bank in favour of “Symbiosis Test Secretariat” payable at Pune.

·  Online Payment through Credit Card

·  Online Payment through Net Banking

Paper Pattern for SIU SET 2017:

SET duration is 150 minutes.

SET is an aptitude test and objective in nature for all the papers. Each question has four options as answers.

There is no negative marking for wrong answers.

All sections are mandatory.

Closing Date:

Last date of online registration for SET: Thursday, April 13, 2017.

Date of SET Test: Saturday, May 06, 2017.

Last date for Online/ Offline payment For SSE (For B.Sc Program): Wednesday, May 17, 2017.

Last date for Online/ Offline payment For SSE (For M.Sc Program): Sunday, April 30, 2017.

Course Name:

Bachelor of Science BSc Economics

in Symbiosis School of Economics, SSE, Pune

Course Description:

Bachelor of Science (BSc) (Economics)


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Bachelor of Science BSc Economics in Symbiosis School of Economics, SSE, Pune

Eligibility for admission

·         XII pass from any branch with minimum 50% marks for the general category and 45% for students of SC and ST category.

·         Qualifying the Symbiosis Entrance Test (SET) and Group discussion & Personal Interview of the School.

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Bachelor of Science BSc Economics in Symbiosis School of Economics, SSE, Pune

Application Procedure for SIU SET 2017:

·  Candidates can apply online

·  Candidates need to pay a non-refundable fee of Rs. 1500/- towards the test fee and for prospectus of undergraduate programs of  UniversitySymbiosisInternational.

·  Candidates have 4 choices for payment as follows:

Cash: This ‘Payment Advice’ form is in three parts. Pay Rs. 1500/- in cash at Axis bank or Indian bank branches in the city. Refer to the list of branches on the website. The bank will return two parts of the ‘payment advice’ form to you.

Demand Draft: Get a crossed demand draft for Rs. 1500/- from any nationalized bank in favour of “Symbiosis Test Secretariat” payable at Pune.

·  Online Payment through Credit Card

·  Online Payment through Net Banking

Paper Pattern for SIU SET 2017:

SET duration is 150 minutes.

SET is an aptitude test and objective in nature for all the papers. Each question has four options as answers.

There is no negative marking for wrong answers.

All sections are mandatory.

Closing Date:

Last date of online registration for SET: Thursday, April 13, 2017.

Date of SET Test: Saturday, May 06, 2017.

Last date for Online/ Offline payment For SSE (For B.Sc Program): Wednesday, May 17, 2017.

Last date for Online/ Offline payment For SSE (For M.Sc Program): Sunday, April 30, 2017.



To know more Information about course please visit:

Sri Venkateswara University, SVU, Tirupati

Sri Venkateswara University, SVU, Tirupati


Andhra Pradesh 
Phone-No: 22895452289-414 
Fax: 2289544 

About College:

Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, is established in 1954 in the world famous holy temple town of Tirupati on the sprawling campus of 1000 acres with a panoramic and pleasant hill view. The University stands as a testimony to the wisdom and foresight of great visionaries Late Sri Tanguturi Prakasam Pantulu, the then Chief Minister of Andhra and Late Sri Neelam Sanjiva Reddy, to cater the educational needs and aspirations of the people of Rayalaseema area. With a great wisdom, the founder of this University have rightly coined the motto Wisdom lies in proper perspective for it. The University has grown excellently from strength to strength over the past 60 years, as a premier institute of higher learning under the able and committed leaderships of successive Vice-Chancellors starting from Prof. S. Govindarajulu to the present Vice Chancellor Prof. W. Rajendra. It has gone through greater strides in the transformation of the University with acquiring necessary and modern sophisticated instrumentation to catch up with the world competition in academic and research programmes. 

Right from its inception, the University has been laying more emphasis on teaching, research and extension activities in different subjects. The range of subject departments, courses and research programmes undertaken and promoted during the last 60 years reflect Sri Venkateswara Universitys commitment in promoting socially relevant and inter-disciplinary programmes. The University was started with six departments of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Economics and Philosophy. The University has 4 constituent colleges concerning various conventional and advanced subjects, in order to provide good academic and smooth administrative service to one and all. The University has 54 departments, where in 72 different PG Courses and several Diploma and Certificate courses are being run with a total academic faculty strength of around 400 and 1500 non-teaching and a student strength of 5000, including research scholars. Several novel and newly emerging PG courses have also been introduced during this academic year. The University has been moving forwards in achieving academic excellence with a strong commitment and dedicated approach, by clearly setting up of a vision of its own. The initiatives taken by the Vice-Chancellor have already started yielding excellent results, in terms of research funding, extension activities keeping the University on the path of excellence.

Course Name:

Master of Computer Application MCom

in Sri Venkateswara University, SVU, Tirupati

Course Description:

Master of Computer Application (MCom)


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Master of Computer Application MCom in Sri Venkateswara University, SVU, Tirupati

Candidates should have B.Com General/Computer Applications or BBM/ B.A with Accounting as a one of the subjects.

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Master of Computer Application MCom in Sri Venkateswara University, SVU, Tirupati

Application Procedure:

·         Candidates are encouraged to apply online.

·         The candidate can apply more than one test in single registration. Such candidates have to pay the applicable fee depend upon the tests selected. (For SC/ST/PH Rs. 300/- & Rs. 400/- for OC/BC/others for each test).

·         The payment of registration and processing fee Rs.300/- (SC/ST/PH) and fee Rs. 400/- (OC/BC/Others) should be made either by SBI generated challan or by online payment gateway (like credit/ debit card/ Net banking).

Closing Date:

Last date of submission of online application form: Thursday, April 13, 2017.

Last date for submission of printout of online application: Monday, April 24, 2017.

Downloading of hall tickets: Sunday, April 30, 2017.

Date for SVUCET: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 to Tuesday, May 16, 2017.

Course Name:

Master of Education MEd

in Sri Venkateswara University, SVU, Tirupati

Course Description:

Master of Education (MEd)


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Master of Education MEd in Sri Venkateswara University, SVU, Tirupati

Candidates should have B.Ed program

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Master of Education MEd in Sri Venkateswara University, SVU, Tirupati

Application Procedure:

·         Candidates are encouraged to apply online.

·         The candidate can apply more than one test in single registration. Such candidates have to pay the applicable fee depend upon the tests selected. (For SC/ST/PH Rs. 300/- & Rs. 400/- for OC/BC/others for each test).

·         The payment of registration and processing fee Rs.300/- (SC/ST/PH) and fee Rs. 400/- (OC/BC/Others) should be made either by SBI generated challan or by online payment gateway (like credit/ debit card/ Net banking).

Closing Date:

Last date of submission of online application form: Thursday, April 13, 2017.

Last date for submission of printout of online application: Monday, April 24, 2017.

Downloading of hall tickets: Sunday, April 30, 2017.

Date for SVUCET: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 to Tuesday, May 16, 2017.

Course Name:

MTech in Space Technology

in Sri Venkateswara University, SVU, Tirupati

Course Description:

MTech in Space Technology


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for MTech in Space Technology in Sri Venkateswara University, SVU, Tirupati

Candidates should have M.Sc/M.Sc (Tech) in Physics/ Applied Physics/ Space Physics/ Electronics /Meteorology and Oceanography Engineering Physics or B.E/ B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering/ Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Computer Science Engineering.

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for MTech in Space Technology in Sri Venkateswara University, SVU, Tirupati

Application Procedure:

·         Candidates are encouraged to apply online.

·         The candidate can apply more than one test in single registration. Such candidates have to pay the applicable fee depend upon the tests selected. (For SC/ST/PH Rs. 300/- & Rs. 400/- for OC/BC/others for each test).

·         The payment of registration and processing fee Rs.300/- (SC/ST/PH) and fee Rs. 400/- (OC/BC/Others) should be made either by SBI generated challan or by online payment gateway (like credit/ debit card/ Net banking).

Closing Date:

Last date of submission of online application form: Thursday, April 13, 2017.

Last date for submission of printout of online application: Monday, April 24, 2017.

Downloading of hall tickets: Sunday, April 30, 2017.

Date for SVUCET: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 to Tuesday, May 16, 2017.



To know more Information about course please visit:

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, IIST, Thiruvananthapuram

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, IIST, Thiruvananthapuram

Deemed University 
Post Thumba, Thiruvananthapuram – 659022, Kerala 

Phone-No: 0471-2563463 2564808 2564809 2564825 
Fax: 0471-2564806 

About College:

IIST is Asia’s first Space Institute and the first in the world to offer the complete range of undergraduate, post graduate, doctoral programmes with specific focus to space science, technology and applications.

This unique concept took root in January 2007, when IIST was registered as a Society under the Travancore -Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act, 1955. IIST received the approval of  the Union Cabinet on 26 April, 2007 and it was formally inaugurated on 14 September 2007 by Dr. G. Madhavan Nair. In a little less than a year of its establishment, IIST received the recognition of UGC as a ‘Deemed to be University’ under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956.The Institute has the unique mandate of encouraging and equipping brilliant youngsters from all parts of the country to take up a career as Scientist/Engineer in the Indian Space Research Organisation. IIST functions as a autonomous body under the Department of Space, Government of India.

Course Name:

Dual Degree BTech and MSMTech Programme

in Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, IIST, Thiruvananthapuram

Course Description:

Dual Degree (BTech and MS/MTech) Programme Admission 2017


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Dual Degree BTech and MSMTech Programme in Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, IIST, Thiruvananthapuram

Candidates must make sure that they satisfy the criteria given below for applying for admission to B.Tech Programmes in IIST


Only Indian citizens are eligible to apply for admission in IIST

Date of Birth:

Only those candidates whose date of birth falls on or after 01st Oct 1991 are eligible

The SC/ST and PwD Candidates must have born on or after 01st Oct 1986

Date of birth as recorded in the Secondary Education Board/University certificate will only be considered

Qualifying Exam (10+2 or Equivalent):

Candidates seeking admission to IIST should have passed their Qualifying Examination, with Physic, Chemistry and Mathematics as subjects of the curium

Candidates belonging to GEN and OBC categories must secure an aggregate of at least 70% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) in the qualifying examination and those belonging to SC/ST/PD should have an aggregate of at least 60% marks in PCM subjects in the qualifying examination
Candidates must have taken at least five subjects in class 12th/any other Qualifying examination in order to be eligible for writing JEE (Main)

In the year 2017 however, the candidates who have taken four subjects are also permitted to write JEE 2017 as an exception

IIST Admission Rank List

CBSE prepares All-India rank list giving 60% weightage to the score in JEE (Main) examination and 40% weightage to the normalized score in Class 12th qualifying examination and is expected to be published by 30th April 2017

Please visit for more details about the CBSE All-India rank list

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Dual Degree BTech and MSMTech Programme in Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, IIST, Thiruvananthapuram

Procedure for Admission

Undergraduate programmes (B.Tech) for the year 2017 will be based on the All India Rank list (including category rank list)

The rank list for admission to IIST will be based on 60 % weightage of score in the Joint Entrance Examination JEE (Main) - 2017 conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and 40 % of normalized score in Class 12th or other qualifying examinations

Please visit for more details about the CBSE All-India rank list

Reservation of Seats

Candidates belonging to certain categories are admitted to seats reserved based on relaxed criteria, as per applicable rules of the Govt. of India

Online application for admission to B.Tech programmes In IIST

Candidates residing abroad can remit the Registration fee through Demand Draft (DD) issued by any bank out side India

The Demand Draft for the amount mentioned above should be drawn in favour of “THE REGISTRAR, IIST” payable at THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, INDIA

Candidates are requested to write the Name and Registration Number on the back side of the Demand Draft (DD) and send to “The Chairman, B.Tech. Admissions-2017, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Valiamala (P.O.), Thiruvananthapuram-695547 Kerala”, India

Closing Date:

Last date for Submission form: 12th June 2017

Course Name:

BTech {Avionics}

in Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, IIST, Thiruvananthapuram

Course Description:

Bachelor of Technology (BTech) {Avionics} [Specialization: - DSP, RF and Communication, Antenna, Power Electronics, Micro Electronics, Control System] Admission 2017


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for BTech {Avionics} in Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, IIST, Thiruvananthapuram

Candidates with master’s degree in Engineering/ Technology or Science or Humanities must have secured first class or equivalent in the master’s degree. And they must have qualified UGC/CSIR NET/JEST (or) GATE in the relevant disciplines.

Candidates with bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology with an excellent academic record and aptitude for research may be considered for direct admission to the Ph.D. program. Such candidates must have secured CGPA of 9.0/10 or better and a valid GATE score of 675 or better.

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for BTech {Avionics} in Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, IIST, Thiruvananthapuram

Candidates can apply online.

Application fee is to the extent of Rs. 250/- per department code (for SC/ST/PWD and women - Rs.125/- per department code).

Selection Procedure for IIST, Thiruvananthapuram:

Candidates are shortlisted taking into account their best GATE/NET scores as applicable.

Final selection is based on written test or interview, which will be conducted at IIST.

Research Fellowship:

IIST offers research fellowship for GATE and UGC/CSIR NET-JRF/JEST qualified students which is valued at Rs.25, 000/ - per month.

Closing Date:

Last date for Submission form: 12th June 2017

Course Name:

BTech {Aerospace Engineering}

in Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, IIST, Thiruvananthapuram

Course Description:

Bachelor of Technology (BTech) {Aerospace Engineering} [Specialization: - Flight Mechanics, Aerodynamics, Thermal and Propulsion, Structure and Design, and Manufacturing Science] Admission 2017


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for BTech {Aerospace Engineering} in Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, IIST, Thiruvananthapuram

Candidates with master’s degree in Engineering/ Technology or Science or Humanities must have secured first class or equivalent in the master’s degree. And they must have qualified UGC/CSIR NET/JEST (or) GATE in the relevant disciplines.

Candidates with bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology with an excellent academic record and aptitude for research may be considered for direct admission to the Ph.D. program. Such candidates must have secured CGPA of 9.0/10 or better and a valid GATE score of 675 or better.

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for BTech {Aerospace Engineering} in Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, IIST, Thiruvananthapuram

Candidates can apply online.

Application fee is to the extent of Rs. 250/- per department code (for SC/ST/PWD and women - Rs.125/- per department code).

Selection Procedure for IIST, Thiruvananthapuram:

Candidates are shortlisted taking into account their best GATE/NET scores as applicable.

Final selection is based on written test or interview, which will be conducted at IIST.

Research Fellowship:

IIST offers research fellowship for GATE and UGC/CSIR NET-JRF/JEST qualified students which is valued at Rs.25, 000/ - per month.

Closing Date:

Last date for Submission form: 12th June 2017


To know more Information about course please visit:

National Law University, NLU, Delhi

National Law University, NLU, Delhi

Sector – 14, Dwarka 

New Delhi 
Phone-No: 011-24533442 28034257 

About College:

The NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, DELHI established in 2008 by Act 1 of 2008 is premier Law University established in the capital city of India. The Vision of the University is to make legal education an instrument of social, political and economic change. The University is committed to preparing lawyers who will not only be professionally competent, technically sound and socially relevant, to enter the bar and the bench but also be equipped with addressing the imperatives of the new world and uphold the rule of law. The endeavor of the University will be to impart knowledge in various aspects of law and to introduce the young generation of lawyers to a wide range of opportunities in legal profession. The University has state of the art infrastructure and facilities for learning and research at its campus at Sector 14, Dwarka, New Delhi.

Course Name:

Master of Law LLM

in National Law University, NLU, Delhi

Course Description:

Master of Law (LLM) Admission 2017


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Master of Law LLM in National Law University, NLU, Delhi

·         For LL.M Program: Candidate should have passed the LL.B. or an equivalent degree from a recognised University with not less than 55% marks on aggregate (50% in case of reserved categories, i.e. SC, ST, Persons with Disability).

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Master of Law LLM in National Law University, NLU, Delhi

Interested candidates may apply along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 3,000/- (Rupees Three Thousand Only) for General Candidates, Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One thousand only) in case of SC/ST and Persons with Disability (PD) drawn in favour of "REGISTRAR, NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, DELHI", payable at Delhi along with copies of requisite Caste/PD Certificate. Below Poverty Line (BPL) applicants of SC/ST category are exempted from application fee. For further details relating to Application Form,

Applications complete in all respects must be sent in person or by post, to the REGISTRAR, NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, DELHI, Sector - 14, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110078.

Closing Date:

Entrance Test AILET: 07th May 2017

Last date for Submission form: 15th April 2017

Course Name:

Doctor of Philosophy PhD Law

in National Law University, NLU, Delhi

Course Description:

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)(Law) Admission 2017


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Doctor of Philosophy PhD Law in National Law University, NLU, Delhi

·         LL.M. Degree with 55% marks or its equivalent (50% in case of SC/ST/ Persons with Disability). For detailed eligibility conditions visit University website.

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Doctor of Philosophy PhD Law in National Law University, NLU, Delhi

Interested candidates may apply along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 3,000/- (Rupees Three Thousand Only) for General Candidates, Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One thousand only) in case of SC/ST and Persons with Disability (PD) drawn in favour of "REGISTRAR, NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, DELHI", payable at Delhi along with copies of requisite Caste/PD Certificate. Below Poverty Line (BPL) applicants of SC/ST category are exempted from application fee. For further details relating to Application Form,

Applications complete in all respects must be sent in person or by post, to the REGISTRAR, NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, DELHI, Sector - 14, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110078.

Closing Date:

Entrance Test: 07th May, 2017

Last date for Submission form: 15th April 2017

Course Name:

Bachelor of Arts BA LLB Hons

in National Law University, NLU, Delhi

Course Description:

Bachelor of Arts (BA) (LLB Hons) Admission 2017


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Bachelor of Arts BA LLB Hons in National Law University, NLU, Delhi

·         For B.A.LL.B (Hons.) Program:

·         Candidates should have passed the 10+2 examination and scored a minimum of 50%. However, candidates appearing for 10+2 examinations in the year of the AILET can also apply provided they meet the above condition at the time of admission.

·         Candidates should be less than 21 years of age on 1 July, 2017 or 22 years in case of SC, ST candidates.

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Bachelor of Arts BA LLB Hons in National Law University, NLU, Delhi

Interested candidates may apply along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 3,000/- (Rupees Three Thousand Only) for General Candidates, Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One thousand only) in case of SC/ST and Persons with Disability (PD) drawn in favour of "REGISTRAR, NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, DELHI", payable at Delhi along with copies of requisite Caste/PD Certificate. Below Poverty Line (BPL) applicants of SC/ST category are exempted from application fee. For further details relating to Application Form,

Applications complete in all respects must be sent in person or by post, to the REGISTRAR, NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, DELHI, Sector - 14, Dwarka, New Delhi- 110078

Closing Date:

Entrance Test AILET: 07th May, 2017

Last date for Submission form: 15th April 2017


To know more Information about course please visit:

Central University of Haryana, CUH, Haryana

Central University of Haryana, CUH, Haryana

Villages (Jant-Pali) 

Phone-No: 0124-2350283 2350284 
Fax: 01285-249402 

About College:

Central University of Haryana is a Central University established under the Central Universities Act, 2009 of the Parliament. It is one of the 15 Central Universities established by MHRD, GoI under the XIth Five Year Plan (2007-12). The University is fully funded by the UGC.

Permanent Campus of the University is situated in 488 acres of land at Jant-Pali Villages, Mahendergarh district of Haryana from where CUH is running its academic operations.

We Believe

That as a nation, must have the vision to see where higher education can take us in a future where human can live in peace and prosperity, the Central University of Haryana dedicates itself to the following Vision and Mission and plans to achieve the same by devising a transparent, responsible and reflective institutional structure; engaging teaching methodology and imparting holistic education that fosters and promotes creativity, innovation and excellence.

Course Name:

Master of Business Administration MBA

in Central University of Haryana, CUH, Haryana

Course Description:

Master of Business Administration (MBA) Admission 2017


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Master of Business Administration MBA in Central University of Haryana, CUH, Haryana

Bachelors degree in any discipline from a recognized Indian or foreign university (foreign recognition to be as per AIU list) with at least 50% marks aggregate and who have qualified in the entrance test conducted by the University.

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Master of Business Administration MBA in Central University of Haryana, CUH, Haryana

Applications should be submitted online only; offline applications will not be accepted

There are various Integrated and Under Graduate Programmes available under 7 participating Central Universities (PUs) Eligibility for all integrated and undergraduate programmes is successful completion of 10+2 or equivalent Candidates who have appeared for the final examinations are eligible to apply.

Online: Candidates can apply and pay online at the university website. On successful online application submission with online, debit card, creditcard successful payment an automated e-mail and SMS will be sent to the mail id & mobile number you have given in the application form. For online application and payment made through “Challan” you may have to wait for 7-days and if you do not receive it within 07 days, you may send an email to CUCET email.

Offline: Candidates wishing to apply offline can download the form website or form the website of any of the seven participating Universities.

The filled in form is to be submitted in person or through post to the nearest participating Central University along with a payment authentication challan.

Candidates can also obtain the form in person from the office of the any of the seven participating Central Universities on payment of Rs. 700/- in cash (Rs. 350/- for SC, ST candidates)

The filled in form has to be submitted to the same University from where the form has been purchased

Application Fee and Mode of Payment:

In Case IOB Branch is available: You may make the payment through any branch of India Overseas Bank

The challan for making the payment can be downloaded from website or any the participation University website

Fill the application form as well as the challan

In the challan, all the important details are already pre-filled

Fill in the appropriate amount and fill other vacant spaces (as necessary)

In the three part challan, you will get two parts back. One copy is meant for the University

Attach the university copy of the challan and submit, post to the nearest participating Central University

Take a photocopy of the candidates copy and attach it with the application form and handover, post it to the nearest participation Central University

For further more details please visit website.

Closing Date:

Last date of submitting applications: Friday, April 14, 2017.

Date of CUCET: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 and Thursday, May 18, 2017. 

Course Name:

Master of Law LLM

in Central University of Haryana, CUH, Haryana

Course Description:

Master of Law (LLM) Admission 2017


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Master of Law LLM in Central University of Haryana, CUH, Haryana

All candidates having a three-year/five-year LL.B. Degree from a recognized Indian or foreign university (foreign recognition to be as per AIU list) with at least 50% marks or equivalent grade point in the aggregate and who have qualified in the entrance test conducted by the University.

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Master of Law LLM in Central University of Haryana, CUH, Haryana

Applications should be submitted online only; offline applications will not be accepted

There are various Integrated and Under Graduate Programmes available under 7 participating Central Universities (PUs) Eligibility for all integrated and undergraduate programmes is successful completion of 10+2 or equivalent Candidates who have appeared for the final examinations are eligible to apply.

Online: Candidates can apply and pay online at the university website. On successful online application submission with online, debit card, creditcard successful payment an automated e-mail and SMS will be sent to the mail id & mobile number you have given in the application form. For online application and payment made through “Challan” you may have to wait for 7-days and if you do not receive it within 07 days, you may send an email to CUCET email.

Offline: Candidates wishing to apply offline can download the form website or form the website of any of the seven participating Universities.

The filled in form is to be submitted in person or through post to the nearest participating Central University along with a payment authentication challan.

Candidates can also obtain the form in person from the office of the any of the seven participating Central Universities on payment of Rs. 700/- in cash (Rs. 350/- for SC, ST candidates)

The filled in form has to be submitted to the same University from where the form has been purchased

Application Fee and Mode of Payment:

In Case IOB Branch is available: You may make the payment through any branch of India Overseas Bank

The challan for making the payment can be downloaded from website or any the participation University website

Fill the application form as well as the challan

In the challan, all the important details are already pre-filled

Fill in the appropriate amount and fill other vacant spaces (as necessary)

In the three part challan, you will get two parts back. One copy is meant for the University

Attach the university copy of the challan and submit, post to the nearest participating Central University

Take a photocopy of the candidates copy and attach it with the application form and handover, post it to the nearest participation Central University

For further more details please visit website.

Closing Date:

Last date of submitting applications: Friday, April 14, 2017.

Date of CUCET: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 and Thursday, May 18, 2017. 

Course Name:

Bachelor of Technology BTech

in Central University of Haryana, CUH, Haryana

Course Description:

Bachelor of Technology (BTech) program offered in Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Printing & Packaging Technology for the academic session 2017-18.


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Bachelor of Technology BTech in Central University of Haryana, CUH, Haryana

Candidates with 10+2 or its equivalent from recognized boards with at least 50% (5% relaxation for SC/ST/PWD) marks in aggregate are eligible.

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Bachelor of Technology BTech in Central University of Haryana, CUH, Haryana

Applications should be submitted online only; offline applications will not be accepted

There are various Integrated and Under Graduate Programmes available under 7 participating Central Universities (PUs) Eligibility for all integrated and undergraduate programmes is successful completion of 10+2 or equivalent Candidates who have appeared for the final examinations are eligible to apply.

Online: Candidates can apply and pay online at the university website. On successful online application submission with online, debit card, creditcard successful payment an automated e-mail and SMS will be sent to the mail id & mobile number you have given in the application form. For online application and payment made through “Challan” you may have to wait for 7-days and if you do not receive it within 07 days, you may send an email to CUCET email.

Offline: Candidates wishing to apply offline can download the form website or form the website of any of the seven participating Universities.

The filled in form is to be submitted in person or through post to the nearest participating Central University along with a payment authentication challan.

Candidates can also obtain the form in person from the office of the any of the seven participating Central Universities on payment of Rs. 700/- in cash (Rs. 350/- for SC, ST candidates)

The filled in form has to be submitted to the same University from where the form has been purchased

Application Fee and Mode of Payment:

In Case IOB Branch is available: You may make the payment through any branch of India Overseas Bank

The challan for making the payment can be downloaded from website or any the participation University website

Fill the application form as well as the challan

In the challan, all the important details are already pre-filled

Fill in the appropriate amount and fill other vacant spaces (as necessary)

In the three part challan, you will get two parts back. One copy is meant for the University

Attach the university copy of the challan and submit, post to the nearest participating Central University

Take a photocopy of the candidates copy and attach it with the application form and handover, post it to the nearest participation Central University

For further more details please visit website.

Closing Date:

Last date of submitting applications: Friday, April 14, 2017.

Date of CUCET: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 and Thursday, May 18, 2017. 


To know more Information about course please visit:

Timespro Graduate to Professional, TGP, Noida

Timespro Graduate to Professional, TGP, Noida

FC - 6, Sector 16 A, Filmcity 

Uttar Pradesh 
Phone-No: 91 9999197363 

About College:

The Times of India Group (also known as the Times Group) is a USD ($) 1.5 billion conglomerate that is focused on providing solutions for consumers across the nation, with the ultimate goal of creating a better tomorrow for Indian youth. The Times Group has a significant presence in a number of sectors that include broadcasting, publishing, entertainment and education. Innovation and quality are the two cornerstones on which the group's 41 leading brands have been built. This year, the Times Group embarks upon 175th year of excellence and continues with its aim of furthering the growth of the nation and its citizens. 

The Times Group and TimesPro

The Country's current job market is faced with a considerable disconnect between the educational qualification and employability quotient of graduates. If the gap widens, India will end up with a large set of qualified yet unemployed graduates, which will consequently have an adverse impact on the country's economic growth.

To resolve this crisis, the Times Group launched TimesPro, an education initiative that seeks to revolutionize professional education in India. The primary objective of TimesPro is to create and deliver high-involvement career-oriented courses that enhance the skillsets of graduates to the levels required of a professional.

The Times Group has been on the forefront of inclusive education with initiatives like Teach India and Lead India. With the launch of TimesPro, the group aims to provide relevent,effective career and knowledge solutions to the nation with the added advantage of  excellence in delivery. 

Course Name:

PGDM in Banking Management PGDMBM

in Timespro Graduate to Professional, TGP, Noida

Course Description:

PGDM in Banking Management (PGDMBM) [Guaranteed 3 job interviews, Expert faculty drawn from the best in the banking industry, State-of-the-art classrooms with exhaustive e-library, interactive whiteboards, V-Sat, simulations and more]


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for PGDM in Banking Management PGDMBM in Timespro Graduate to Professional, TGP, Noida

Aspiring candidates should have secured a minimum of 50 percent in their graduation.
Below 26 years of age

Final year graduates can also apply

TimesPro Admission Process (TAP) test:

Aspirants enrolling for the TimesPro PGDBM program have to mandatorily clear the TAP test. We have tied-up with a leading computer-based testing company that has a presence in all major cities and towns in India for administering the test. The test provides comprehensive information on the student’s language, logic, aptitude and numerical abilities. The test report can be used to identify weak areas so the student can improve these areas and appear for the TAP test again (if required).

If an aspirant is unsure of clearing the TAP test, he/she can appear for the practice test that is available on our website to get a sense of the difficulty level and re-training needs. The practice test can be taken several times. Once the applicant passes the practice test he/she can appear for the TAP test.

The application form for the TAP test can be purchased from any of the TimesPro learning centres. Filled-up application forms can be submitted at any of the learning centres. Aspirants appearing for the TAP test have to pay an application fee of INR 500 (Rupees Five hundred only) in cash or through credit/debit card, cheque or demand draft.

The cheque/DD should be in favor of “Times Centre for Learning” payable at the preferred city location as chosen on the application form.

Candidates should appear for the computer-based TAP test at the designated centres. For convenience, the TAP test centres are located in all major cities across India.

Personal interview:

Candidates who clear the TAP test are invited  for personal interviews.

Enrolment process:

Candidates who are selected in the personal interview are eligible to enroll for the TimesPro PGDBM program. The total score of the candidate (TAP test + personal interview) will be valid for 1 year. Candidates will be allowed a maximum of three attempts for the TAP test.

Documents at the time of enrolment:

Candidates should carry the following photocopies at the time of application and the original documents at the time of interview:

Photocopies of Class X, XII, graduation mark sheets (all semesters)

Proof of date of birth (copy of Class X certificate / PAN card / passport / voter card / driving license)

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for PGDM in Banking Management PGDMBM in Timespro Graduate to Professional, TGP, Noida

Modes of payment:

·          Payment by cash / cheque / DD / credit card

·          Loan facility available

·          0% interest on payment made in instalments

The cheque / DD should be in favor of “Times Centre for Learning” payable at the preferred city location as chosen on the application form.

Admission Form:

Students need to right download the online application form (kindly save the document as PDF and fill the online PDF with relevant details). The filled application form needs to be filled and sent to - Kindly mentioned your full name and mobile number in the email.



To know more Information about course please visit:

Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

Gandhi Nagar Campus, Rushikonda 

Andhra Pradesh 
Phone-No: 91-891 2790101 2790202 2790404 2790505 
Fax: 91-891 2790399 2790037 2790036 

About College:

During the past 32 years, GITAM has been committed to excellence in higher education foraying into diversified disciplines of learning. It has steadily evolved into a world class university recognized for the experiential learning it offers, the competent and compassionate faculty, the stellar research laboratories, academic vibrancy and cosmopolitan culture.

Dr. MVVS Murthi, visionary, industrialist, educationist, philanthropist and former parliamentarian has been guiding the destinies of the University since its inception.

The university has two campuses - its main campus at Visakhapatnam, and an off campus at Hyderabad. Known for its creative dynamism and flexibility, the university offers varied programmes blending skill development and value orientation to shape the career of students and develop holistic personality to be privileged members of the civil society. The university also offers several programmes through distance learning to increase access to higher education with emphasis on reaching the unreached.

The university has established placement cell in each of its institutes to train and guide the students in finding lucrative placements. The placement record has been consistently highly impressive, with major recruiters from both the core and IT companies.

Course Name:

Master of Pharmacy MPharm

in Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

Course Description:

Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) [Specialization in: Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Analysis & Quality Assurance, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry] Admission 2017


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Master of Pharmacy MPharm in Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

A pass in B. Pharmacy with a minimum of 50% marks.

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Master of Pharmacy MPharm in Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

Candidates can apply online.

Applications can also be obtained by post from Director-Admissions by sending a request on plain paper giving the candidate’s name with complete mailing address accompanied by DD for Rs. 150/- drawn in favour of GITAM University payable at Visakhapatnam on any scheduled bank.

The filled - in application along with Demand Draft for Rs. 1,000/- (Rs. 600/- for female candidates), drawn in favor of GITAM University, payable at Visakhapatnam on any scheduled bank, should reach Director - Admissions, GITAM University, Gandhi Nagar Campus, Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam - 530 045, Andhra Pradesh, India

Selection Procedure for GITAM University:

Candidates for under graduate programs are selected on the basis of their performance in Gitam Admission Test (GAT)-2017 conducted by the university.

Closing Date:

Last date for receipt of filled-in Applications: Friday, March 31, 2017.

Date of Online Slot Booking: Sunday, April 09, 2017 to Thursday, April 13, 2017.

Date for download of E-Hall-Tickets: Sunday, April 09, 2017 onwards.

Date for Online Tests at different Centres: Sunday, April 16, 2017 to Sunday, April 30, 2017.

Date of announcement of Test Results: Friday, May 05, 2017.

Course Name:

Bachelor of Pharmacy BPharm

in Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

Course Description:

Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm)Admission 2017


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Bachelor of Pharmacy BPharm in Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

Candidate should have passed in intermediate or 10+2 examination from a recognized central / state board or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks in Mathematics/Biology, Physics & Chemistry.

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Bachelor of Pharmacy BPharm in Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

Candidates can apply online.

Applications can also be obtained by post from Director-Admissions by sending a request on plain paper giving the candidate’s name with complete mailing address accompanied by DD for Rs. 150/- drawn in favour of GITAM University payable at Visakhapatnam on any scheduled bank.

The filled - in application along with Demand Draft for Rs. 1,000/- (Rs. 600/- for female candidates), drawn in favor of GITAM University, payable at Visakhapatnam on any scheduled bank, should reach Director - Admissions, GITAM University, Gandhi Nagar Campus, Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam - 530 045, Andhra Pradesh, India

Selection Procedure for GITAM University:

Candidates for under graduate programs are selected on the basis of their performance in Gitam Admission Test (GAT)-2017 conducted by the university.

Closing Date:

Last date for receipt of filled-in Applications: Friday, March 31, 2017.

Date of Online Slot Booking: Sunday, April 09, 2017 to Thursday, April 13, 2017.

Date for download of E-Hall-Tickets: Sunday, April 09, 2017 onwards.

Date for Online Tests at different Centres: Sunday, April 16, 2017 to Sunday, April 30, 2017.

Date of announcement of Test Results: Friday, May 05, 2017.

Course Name:

Master of Technology MTech Computer Science and Technology

in Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

Course Description:

Master of Technology (MTech) (Computer Science and Technology) Admission 2017


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Master of Technology MTech Computer Science and Technology in Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

Candidate should pass in the qualifying examination from recognized university with a minimum of 50% marks or equivalent grade and score obtained in GAT (PGT) 2017.

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Master of Technology MTech Computer Science and Technology in Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

The filled-in application along with the DD for Rs.1,000/- (Rs.600/- for female candidates), drawn in favor of GITAM UNIVERSITY, payable at Visakhapatnam from any scheduled bank, should be sent to the Director-Admissions, GITAM UNIVERSITY, Gandhi Nagar Campus, Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam-530 045, A.P., INDIA.

Filled-in applications for GAT Exam should be sent by registered post/speed post or personally submitted in the office of the Director - Admissions so as to reach the Admissions office before the announced Deadlines. 

The Director – Admissions


Gandhi Nagar Campus, Rushikonda

Visakhapatnam 530 045 A.P INDIA

Closing Date:

Last date for receipt of filled-in Applications: Friday, March 31, 2017.

Date of Online Slot Booking: Sunday, April 09, 2017 to Thursday, April 13, 2017.

Date for download of E-Hall-Tickets: Sunday, April 09, 2017 onwards.

Date for Online Tests at different Centres: Sunday, April 16, 2017 to Sunday, April 30, 2017.

Date of announcement of Test Results: Friday, May 05, 2017.

Course Name:

Bachelor of Architecture BArch

in Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

Course Description:

Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) Admission 2017


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Bachelor of Architecture BArch in Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

Candidate should pass in intermediate or 10+2 examination with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks in the qualifying Examination with Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry subjects and also shall qualify in NATA / JEE (Main).

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Bachelor of Architecture BArch in Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

The filled-in application along with the DD for Rs. 1,000/- (Rs. 600/- for female candidates), drawn in favor of GITAM UNIVERSITY, payable at Visakhapatnam from any scheduled bank, should be sent to the Director-Admissions, GITAM UNIVERSITY, Gandhi Nagar Campus, Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam-530 045, A.P., INDIA.  


Filled-in applications for GAT Exam should be sent by registered post/speed post or personally submitted in the office of the Director - Admissions so as to reach the Admissions office before the announced Deadlines. 

The Director – Admissions


Gandhi Nagar Campus, Rushikonda

Visakhapatnam 530 045 A.P INDIA 

Closing Date:

Last date for receipt of filled-in Applications: Friday, March 31, 2017.

Date of Online Slot Booking: Sunday, April 09, 2017 to Thursday, April 13, 2017.

Date for download of E-Hall-Tickets: Sunday, April 09, 2017 onwards.

Date for Online Tests at different Centres: Sunday, April 16, 2017 to Sunday, April 30, 2017.

Date of announcement of Test Results: Friday, May 05, 2017.

Course Name:

Bachelor of Technology BTech

in Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

Course Description:

Bachelor of Technology (BTech) [Streams in: Electronics & Communication Engineering, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Information Technology, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering] (Full Time) Admission 2017


Eligibility and Selection Procedure for Bachelor of Technology BTech in Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

Candidate should pass in intermediate or 10+2 examination with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry and first class or equivalent grade in the qualifying examination.

How To Apply:

Application Procedure for Bachelor of Technology BTech in Gitam University, GU, Visakhapatnam

The filled-in application along with the DD for Rs.1,000/- (Rs.600/- for female candidates), drawn in favor of GITAM UNIVERSITY, payable at Visakhapatnam from any scheduled bank, should be sent to the Director-Admissions, GITAM UNIVERSITY, Gandhi Nagar Campus, Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam-530 045, A.P., INDIA.  


Filled-in applications for GAT Exam should be sent by registered post/speed post or personally submitted in the office of the Director - Admissions so as to reach the Admissions office before the announced Deadlines. 

The Director – Admissions


Gandhi Nagar Campus, Rushikonda

Visakhapatnam 530 045 A.P INDIA 

Closing Date:

Last date for receipt of filled-in Applications: Friday, March 31, 2017.

Date of Online Slot Booking: Sunday, April 09, 2017 to Thursday, April 13, 2017.

Date for download of E-Hall-Tickets: Sunday, April 09, 2017 onwards.

Date for Online Tests at different Centres: Sunday, April 16, 2017 to Sunday, April 30, 2017.

Date of announcement of Test Results: Friday, May 05, 2017.



To know more Information about course please visit:

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Ooops! An unexpected error has occurred.This one's down to me! Please accept my apologies for this - I'll see to it that the developer responsible for this happening is given 20 lashes (but only after he or she has fixed this problem).tv izle