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Amity Joint Entrance Exam 2018

Amity University, Noida

Sector 125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201313

Phone: 0120 244 5252


Amity University, Noida has announced the exam dates for Amity Joint Entrance Examination (Amity JEE 2018), which will be conducted in April 2018. The Amity JEE exam will be held in the 25 April - 10 May 2018. Examination is conducted on different dates for different states.

Amity JEE is conducted for taking admission to Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) programs under various specializations for the academic session 2018.

Eligibility Criteria for Amity JEE 2018:

Candidate should have passed class X & XII with minimum 60% and minimum 70% in PCM for non-sponsored & 65 % for sponsored category. 

How to Apply:

Application Procedure for Amity JEE 2018:

Candidates can apply online.

Applicants are advised to choose the exam centre and exam date by logging on to admission microsite.

Paper Pattern for Amity JEE 2018:

Amity JEE is a OMR based test held in various cities across the country. Questions are based on CBSE XII syllabus with options to attempt papers in either Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (PCM) and English or Physics, Chemistry, Biology (PCB) and English.

All the questions will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Total number of questions in one set are 90 with maximum time limit 120 min. Number of questions in each section will be as mentioned below:

Subject                                              No. of questions

Physics                                       25

Chemistry                                   25

Mathematics/ Biology          25

English                                       15

No marks would be awarded if more than one choice has been selected for any question.

Approximately 1.25 minute per questions on the average are reserved for solution of each questions.

Four marks would be awarded for each correct entry and one mark will be deducted for wrong entry.

The difficulty level of the questions has been carefully maintained according to the maximum time.

Important Dates:

Apply by: 05th April 2018.

Date of Amity JEE 2018: 25th April – 10th May 2018 at Test Centres Across India



To know more Information about entrance please visit:

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This one's down to me! Please accept my apologies for this - I'll see to it that the developer responsible for this happening is given 20 lashes (but only after he or she has fixed this problem).

I'll answer the mail as soon as I can.

Ooops! An unexpected error has occurred.This one's down to me! Please accept my apologies for this - I'll see to it that the developer responsible for this happening is given 20 lashes (but only after he or she has fixed this problem).tv izle